My two favorite colors and a drawing of me back when I was a full-on wetlab aficionada.
Welcome to BytzeSizedChem!
Finally – It has been a hot minute.
Hello there! I’m Magdalena, holding a BSc ETH in Chemistry (which is important for this blog’s acronym). I started BytzeSizedChem (BSC) with the goal of:
- Practicing a habit of consistent writing (it’s a muscle!),
- Transitioning from “student” to “researcher” while remaining a life-long learner,
- Building an atlas and community for digital chemists.
I’m excited to share many ideas with you! Here, I aim to share ideas, findings, and discussions in a safe and open space.
Subscribe here to get updates.
Some upcoming posts include:
- Coding Essentials for New Digital Chemists
- Making of a Scientific Poster
- AI is IN: Chemical Education with Digital Tools
- ChatGPT goes Chemistry: Build your own Large Language Model Agent
- Networking for Nerds
This website contains detailed content, context, and code snippets. For short summaries and – most importantly – for staying updated about upcoming posts, check out my Substack. You will be notified by updates right here, making it super easy to stay informed by subscribing.
If you have any ideas or content that you would like to have featured or discussed here, please don’t hesitate to reach out on X, LinkedIn or email. Any feedback or redistribution is highly appreciated!
Very much looking forward to this journey with you! Ad astra 🚀✨